Every graduate is looking forward to finding a job after college. Most of these college graduates settle for any work to have an active status. Your first job determines your career growth.
Graduates entering the market for jobs that don’t require a degree are likely to be in that same spot for more than five years. People who put their diploma or degree into practice right away are in a better place than them.
It can be challenging to find a job after graduation. Many graduates consider this is a season that will end eventually, but it can get to months, years, or even your entire career. Statistics show that over 40% of graduates work in positions that don’t need a degree they studied in college. You will find these people in the transportation industry, building and cleaning, fishing, and food services.
We need to ask ourselves whether college studies are helping people live a better life after school. It has become hard for young people to find employment as the employers’ expectations are going up. You will find that applications for entry-level vacancies are as hard as applying for a professional opportunity.
Early work preparation is an essential aspect that college students should look at before they start work. 40% of undergraduate students are ignorant about work preparation and fail to visit the college career service department. Visiting this office can help you know what to expect after college and the opportunities available for you.
The best way to find internships, enroll in courses, and look for jobs is still in college. An employer will give you a job as they believe you are prepared to work in a different environment. Understanding and mastering the skills you need for a specific field job is more critical than majoring.
According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, 41% of college graduates are underemployed. Before applying for a job, understand the job postings. Some job postings may be for people without college experience, while others may be job entry levels for college students. When applying for a job, look for one that will give you motivation, engages you, and challenge you to grow in your career path.
When you are in dire need of a job due to financial constraints, look for a flexible one to ensure you accommodate your primary job as you continue searching. Transitioning from college to a work environment can be challenging, but it is essential to stay on the job. Reach out for help in the company to be comfortable and ready for success. Ask whether new employees receive training or get mentorship programs to enhance their networking. It’s also essential to take the initiative and look for information and skills that you will need for your job.
Seek help from families of friends and professionals as you transition from college to work for a smooth process. Allow them to help you search and evaluate the different job postings you would like to apply for.