The term beer belly has some serious negative connotations. While some are unwarranted others are well-founded. Let’s dive into the term beer belly, what it means, and whether it holds any merit.

When people say they have a beer belly they mean one of two things. It is often used immediately after drinking beer because your stomach is bloated from the additional carbonation. This can give you the “pregnant” look and make you feel very full. The second reason is a little broader. People suggest that drinking lots of beer makes you fatter and the term often refers to people who are generally in good shape but have a large stomach.
The first case is totally correct. Beer will cause you to bloat like this due to the increased carbonation. However, it is not something to worry about as it will reduce by the next morning. If it does bother you try drinking beer with a larger head. The head is the foam on top caused by the release of carbon. If the beer already has a large head that means the carbon is already released, less bloating for you. If the beer has a small head that means there is plenty of carbon still to be released in your stomach.
The second case is only half right. Beer has a large calory count. If you drink lots of beer in a session or over time, you are consuming many calories. This will clearly cause you to put on more weight. There is no proof that it all goes to your stomach though. This is likely something that is linked to your body type and where you are more likely to put on weight. Look at your parents to try and figure it out.
The final question is should we shame those who use the term beer bellies and embrace our belly fat? Not really. While it is wrong to bully anyone, about their weight or anything else. We should also not ignore the large signs of bad health. If you are starting to get a belly that is a little too large, it will have negative effects on your health. Address it in the early stages and it won’t be a problem. Whether you want to call it a beer belly, a potbelly, a dad bod, or a cute tummy, address it before it becomes a health issue.