Every week there is a new must-have drink, superfood, diet or idea to making you live longer. In reality, very few of these have any meaningful impact. A recent study though has shown one thing that really can help you live longer. It is quite simple really. The richer you are, the longer you will live. So forget your superfruits and treatments, just get rich! Easy right?
While it is not easy it is certainly interesting. A study published in the Journal of Gerontology showed that both qualities of life and life expectancy for those aged over 50 differ greatly based on income class. The study found that men who are wealthy and aged 50 are expected to live an additional 31 healthy years while men who are less well off are only expected to live an additional 22 years. The study found similar results for women, with wealthy women at the age of 50 expected to live to see 83 in good health, for less well off women the number is only 74. A huge difference. The average life expectancy for the total group is only 72 showing that a disproportionate amount falls in the lower wealth class.
While the global economy powers on and new advances in technology continue to make people better off, there is a growing income divide in society. The rich are getting richer and the gap between the 1% and the other 99% is the largest it has ever been. While in a capital society everyone should have an equal chance of making their millions based on their drive, intelligence, and creativity, this is not a reality. The reality is that those who are lucky enough to go to good schools and be raised in a better neighborhood are more likely to go to university and go on to successful jobs. This means that the divide will only get bigger as each generation creates a greater divide.
It is clear something must be done as it is having a serious impact on life expectancy and health.