1. Consume fruits and vegetables
Preventing stroke isn’t as difficult as most people tend to think. Implementing small changes in your daily life can serve as one of several preventive measures you can take. Most of the time we hear about a healthy diet – what is it comprised of?
A healthy diet is made up of a lot of vegetables and fruits. In order to combat the risks of getting a stroke, target to have at least four or five servings of vegetables and fruits every day. This will not only lower the risk of stroke but several other diseases and medical conditions.
2. Reduce salt intake
High salt intake is bad for the health of any person and even worse for patients with high blood pressure. High blood pressure increases the chances of one getting a stroke.
The best way to mitigate this is to try and reduce your salt intake as much as possible. Health experts recommend only a half teaspoon of salt per day.
3. Avoid foods that contain high Cholesterol
The phrase “death by burger” has become common for many people – but is that the route you would want to follow too? It would be better to take precautions early to live to regret. The risk of getting a stroke is increased by the intake of foods with high levels of cholesterol. Try to stay away from red meat, cheese, eggs. Consume them moderately if you cannot entirely avoid them.
4. Exercise
The importance of regular exercising for good health cannot be overemphasized. If you can only dedicate at least 30 minutes of exercise at least 3 days a week, then the benefits can be great. Exercising offers numerous health benefits including preventing you from getting a stroke.
5. Stop smoking
Smoking poses a ton of risks to your general health. It is also one of the hardest habits to drop once you have started. Smoking increases your chances of getting a stroke by a bigger percentage compared to any lifestyle habit. The only best option is to quit and never to look back.
6. Lower your blood pressure
High blood pressure is generally attributed as a major cause of stroke. That means that the higher your blood pressure, the higher the chances of getting a stroke. The risk is the same for both men and women.
Although this can be attributed to hereditary, you can talk to your doctor to find out ways through which you can reduce your blood pressure.
7. Quit excessive drinking
Excessive drinking of alcohol can also increase the risk of having a stroke. While it is sometimes okay to go out for a few bottles, there is always a tendency for overindulgence. If it is a must for you to drink, do it in moderation – but quitting altogether is even better.
In general, we are all responsible for our health. There are certain lifestyles that often work against our general health.
You should always understand that whatever you eat, drink or smoke significantly affects your health. It would be better to quit habits that put you at a higher risk of getting a stroke or any other disease.