While the news is constantly reporting that the demand for data scientists and software developers will explode over the next decade, there are other jobs that are set to grow substantially too. One job area that will grow strongly over the next thirty years that has nothing to do with technology is caregiving. The demand for caregivers will grow strongly in the future.
Fertility rates are slowing dramatically for a number of reasons. Across the world, more women are entering the workforce and no longer see their role in the family as a mother. Many women are now deciding they don’t want to have children and instead want to focus on their careers. The same is true for men with many no longer seeking to have a family instead of focusing on building a career for themselves. The importance of religion has dwindled in recent years too. Before religious families often saw their task as having as many children as possible. Today many families only want one or two children, if any.
As fertility rates slow down and advances in health allow people to live longer the demographics are changing. The average population is getting older and the trend is only going to continue. By 2050 it is estimated that one in five adults in the world will be over 60. While a 60-year-old today is much healthier and fitter than ever before (and this trend will only continue), a great number of those over 60 will still require assistance.
This aging population will mean there are more people needing assistance with fewer family members available to look after them. Today caregiving is a low paid job but we can expect it to grow in the future as demand starts to outstrip supply. Caregiving will not be the only area to grow. Jobs associated with providing activities for the elderly will also grow strongly.