If you have recently been let go from a position you are likely feeling pretty low. The first thing is to realize that this can happen to anyone and is not always a reflection on the person let go. Companies go through reorganizations, people aren’t always the right fit for a position and potential employers understand this. Don’t shy away from what has happened. Embrace it as an opportunity to change your career path and move to a higher trajectory. Follow these steps first.
If you have never had a budget now is the time. Check your savings and see how long you will be able to last without work. That is now your timeframe to find a new job. This will allow you to understand exactly how long you have to search for the perfect job. If you are short on savings you can always find ways to supplement your income while finding a new job such as becoming an Uber driver or renting with Airbnb, etc.
Get your CV in order
Make sure your CV is up to date and tells a good story. Ensure you have someone else check your CV as no matter how many times you look at it you may miss the same mistake every time. A fresh pair of eyes is always a good idea.
Get your online profile prepared
Linkedin is the new CV. Potential employers go through Linkedin at great lengths to find the perfect new recruit. Make sure your profile reflects you and the job you are looking for.
Get your online image under control
It may be a surprise you but often a potential employer will Google you or check your profile on Facebook to see the ‘you’ that you are not presenting to the business world. Make sure every image of you on the internet is something that you want to be there. Change any profiles you want to keep private to private.
Get excited
Overall get excited. Everyone fails from time to time and it is not if we fail that determines our future but how we react to that failure. Stand up, dust yourself off and do better. Greatness lies ahead.