With an economic resurgence taking place in many developed countries today, many people are spoilt for choice when it comes to employment opportunities. This has led to a higher number of people quitting their jobs than ever before. If you are considering leaving your job there are a number of things to think about first.
In today’s culture, the idea of a job for life is gone. While previous generations looked for a job that they could stay in until it was time to retire, today’s workforce will change jobs three to five times during their working career. With that in mind, it is important to ensure you quit the right way. Read on to find out more.
Ensure your work won’t miss you
While we all love when our employer says “we would be lost without” and hey maybe it is true. The fact is that before you leave, you need to do a proper handover to someone else in the company. If you don’t do it properly the business will suffer as a result. While you may look back and think wow they really miss my skills. They are looking at you and thinking wow you did a terrible handover. That may come back to bite you if you were to ever try to return to the company or look for a reference. Always leave on good terms and with an exceptional handover. You can start to prepare for the handover long before announcing to quit. There should be a plan in place in your company already as who could do your duties if you were sick. Maybe its time to start showing that person a few of your favorite tricks.
Ensure you leave no money behind
We get wrapped up by our employers in retirement pensions, bonus schemes, and other perks. While your next job may have perks to rival your current employer, make sure you are leaving your company at the right time. You don’t have to wait till after your end of year bonus before leaving but be honest with your new employer about it. That bonus could be the reason they give you a nice bump in salary during negotiations.
These are the two main aspects to think about but there are other things to consider. Make sure you have some savings before you leave your job, even if you have a new job lined up. If the new job doesn’t work out, you need something to fall back on. Make sure that you aren’t planning on applying for any large loans soon. Brokers look for stability and recently leaving a job may not look great on paper. Apart from that, go for it. Change it up. Seek the unknown. Devour the new adventure.